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Building Update


We plan to regather in our church building on Sunday, June 7th at 9:30am.

Here is our plan:

Streaming service: This will be continued for those families who are not comfortable with resuming in-person worship services at this time.

Face masks: Face masks will be made available for anyone who wishes to wear them.

Entrances/Exits: Tables and chairs will be set up in the basement for families who would like to have a little more freedom with their children. Live streaming will be provided in the basement. Doors will be propped open prior to families’ arrival. Those who will be meeting in the basement are encouraged to use the south doors by the basement stairs.

Bathrooms: We ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance of the bathrooms on entrance and exiting the bathrooms. Disinfectant wipes will be provided in the bathrooms for use as needed.

Seating: Ushers will be available to assist families with safe-distanced seating. All of the pews will be opened up to allow for a larger area for seating.

Offering: Boxes will be placed at the rear of the sanctuary and by the south stairway entrance for offerings (no baskets will be passed for offering during the service).

Communion: None for now.

Refreshments after the service: None will be provided.

Water Fountains: These will be disabled temporarily.

Fellowship: Close-in conversations are discouraged while inside the church; please maintain six feet of social distance.

Handshakes and hugs: Handshakes and hugs are discouraged at this time.

Nursery: No nursery services will be provided at this time. Children may sit with their parents in the auditorium or in the basement.

Sunday school for children: None.

Sunday school classes for adults: None.

We cannot wait to see you!

Trusting God,
The Elders of Wichita Bible Church

Next Live-Stream will be in